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The Ethics and Publication Unit (EPU) is responsible for strengthening the performance of in-house UiTM journals and the UiTM Research Ethics Committee (REC) Secretariat, which is placed under EPU, manages ethics application submissions, organize the REC meetings, maintain the REC documentations, preparation for audit, organize trainings for REC Members, and other secretarial support.

Publication Unit



The EPU is a member of Crossref. We provide editorial supporting services such as plagiarism checks using iThenticate, registration of Digital Object Identifier (DOI), consultation on the Open Journal Systems (OJS), management of journal, publication ethics, and the implementation of UiTM Journal Publication Guideline. EPU also provides assistance in supporting journal article publication.




EPU also provides assistance in supporting journal article publication. The Pembiayaan Yuran Penerbitan Artikel (PYPA) and Pembiayaan Yuran Prosiding Berindeks (PYPB) schemes pay eligible UiTM staff up to RM2000 and RM1500 in publication fees, respectively.

Ethics Unit

The REC Secretariat is placed under the Ethics and Publication Unit (UEP), Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation). The Secretariat manages ethics application submissions, organize REC meetings, maintain the REC documentations, preparation for audit, organize trainings for REC Members, and other secretarial support.

The UiTM REC was established and approved by the Vice Chancellor of UiTM in 2004. The committee is an independent body of medical professionals and non-medical/non-scientific members that oversee all research involving human participants that is being conducted in UiTM and it is listed under the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Ministry of Health since 2012. The committee adopts research ethics guidelines as outlined by the Helsinki Declaration agreed by the World Medical Association and Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS).

The objectives of REC are to safeguard the rights, safety and well-being of human research participants, provide timely, comprehensive and independent review of the ethics of proposed studies and ensure that the research complies with existing laws and regulations. The responsibility of the REC includes, but is not limited to the approval/disapproval, amendment or termination of studies which do not conform to the standard guidelines.

Contact Us

Research Management Centre (RMC)
Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
Aras 3, Bangunan Wawasan
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Email :
Tel: +603-5544 2793  / 8277 / 2879