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The Research Data & Innovation Unit is a part of Research Management Centre (RMC), Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

This unit is mainly responsible for:

  • Managing all activities related to the university’s research data.
  • Serving as the Secretariat for the Centres of Excellence (HICoE and CoE) in UiTM.
  • Research innovation activities conducted in UiTM. Research innovation tasks was handled by BITCOM (formerly known as RIBU) before entrusted to RMC since 2019. 

Research Data Management

The Unit manages the process of collecting, processing, reporting and verifying research data of the university.

 One of the main tasks is to manage the data for the Malaysian Research Assessment (MyRA) used by the Ministry of Education (MoE) to evaluate the performance of research institutions as well as being an Return on Investment (RoI) indicator for research funding. The collection process of MyRA data involves input from each faculty, Centres of Excellence (CoEs) and other sources after each quarter of the year.

  The Unit is also responsible to verify and validate each data input through the masterlist and evidence provided by each MyRA data source. This step is taken to ensure authentic and correct data is reported in order to boost UiTM’s MyRA score. Other research data managed by the Unit includes MyMoheS, Mastic, CAP Achievement Data (PSPTN), Collaboration Data, QS Ranking, QS Star Rating, Swa-accreditation and others.

  Every year, the Unit provides reports for these data for the Laporan Jemaah Menteri and UiTM Annual Report.

Entity Management Excellence (EK) UiTM

The Unit also acts as Secretariat for managing matters related to the university’s Centres of Excellence (HICoE and CoE) including the appointment of members, annual performance monitoring through the MoE’s HICoE Evaluation Instrument and Site Audit. Besides this, other matters related to the upgrading process as Tier 3 Centres of Excellence (CoE) are also managed by the Research Data Unit.


The Unit responsible in increasing the visibility of UiTM through innovation activities to the society and also cooperate closely with UiTM researchers and provide support.

Our pride is the Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition (iidex) which is organized annually in line with the unit's objectives and have placed UiTM in the global map. We too provide participation management of UiTM researchers to other innovation exhibitions in both national and international levels such as Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) and International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (Pecipta).

In addition to exposition and exhibition activities, this Unit is responsible in managing research grants pertaining to innovation initiatives such as PPRN, Synergi and SRP. This is facilitated through the process of promotion, acquisition, operational and monitoring.

Contact Us

Research Management Centre (RMC)
Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
Aras 3, Bangunan Wawasan
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Email :
Tel: +603-5544 2793  / 8277 / 2879



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