What elements does MyRA evaluate?

MyRA consists of eight (8) elements, including A: General Information, B: Quantity and Quality of Researchers, C: Quantity and Quality of Research, D: Quantity and Quality of Postgraduates, E: Innovation, F: Professional Services and Gifts, G: Networking and Linkages and H: Support Facilities. MyRA evaluates inputs in sections B, C, D, E, F, G and H.

Who is eligible to contribute to the MyRA score?

All active academic staff are counted as contributors to MyRA scores. Include individuals who are seconded to another institution, on sabbatical leave, training or attachment. Professor, Visiting Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and Research Fellows who have at least a master’s degree (DM45 equivalent and above). Newly appointed staff must serve for a minimum of six (6) months.

How do I submit my MyRA inputs and evidence?

MyRA inputs and evidence for sections B4, F and G can be submitted to the Person in Charge (PIC) or MyRA CoordinatorCoordinator in your faculty/department before being submitted to the Research Management Centre (RMC) in each quarter of the evaluation year. Inputs and evidence for other sections will be extracted from the system by RMC officers.

How to obtain data on grants and publications for reporting by the faculties?

To obtain research grants and publication data of academic staff members, in particular faculty, the Deputy Dean (Research & Innovation) had given access to the PRIMe system. For further inquiries, please contact Pn. Khairunnisa Musa, head of ICT at +603 - 5544 2781 or email to nisamusa@uitm.edu.my.


If I am the Principal Investigator (PI) for multiple research grants, can I be counted more than once?

A PI can only be counted as one per staff, even if the researcher is the Principal Investigator for many grants. Priority will be given to PI for international and industry grants, followed by national and University grants. Ones can be considered as PI subjected to the minimum amount of research grants as follows:

Type of Grants



National/ University

RM 20,000

RM 5,000

International/ Industry/ Private/ NGO

RM 10,000

RM 5,000


Does a PhD program such as DBA count in MyRA calculations?

MyRA only counts Fully Research Mode for Higher Degree programs or a mixed mode containing at least 70% research component.

For detailed information on MyRA, please refer to the MyRA Glossary, which is downloadable from the RMC website.




What types of awards and recognitions can be accounted for in the B4 section?

Examples of awards/recognition/stewardship (not limited to the list below) that can be accounted for include research awards, prestigious awards (Eg: Merdeka Award), Fellowship (Eg: Fulbright Fellowship), Creative awards (Eg: Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Royal Institute of British Architect Award, The International Architecture Awards, Piala Seri Endon, Tokoh Kraf Negara, Anugerah Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia), Stewardship (appointment as Chairman of the Committee or Task Force at the national and international level), Editor-In-Chief for journals listed in JCR only, Editorial board member or Advisory Editorial Board member for prestigious journals (10% top of journals listed in JCR) and Awards received from international bodies (Eg: Thomson Reuters, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Shanghai Jiao Tong (ARWU)).


Are awards in research and innovation exhibitions accepted in MyRA?

Yes. Gold medals or Special medals won at the research and innovation exhibition National or International level can be accepted in MyRA under B4(e) section. List of research and innovation exhibition including Persidangan dan Ekspo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (PECIPTA),  Korea Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF), British Invention Show (BIS), Amerika Syarikat Pittsburgh Remodelling Expo, Invention and New Product Exposition (INPEX), Germany International Trade Fair Ideas – Inventions New Products (IENA), Nuremburg, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) and BioMalaysia & Asia Pacific Bioeconomy.


If I won an award at a research and innovation exhibition other than listed in the B4(e) section, would it contribute toward MyRA?

Yes. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals won at other research exhibitions (not listed in B4(e)) can be counted in the B4(f) section, provided that UiTM is not the organizer or co-organizer of that exhibition.



Does section C1(a): Total number of Publications in SCOPUS/WOS/ERA Indexed Journals include publications in MyCite-indexed journals?

C1(a) section: Total number of Publications in SCOPUS/WOS/ERA Indexed Journals does not include publications in MyCite indexed journals. Publications in MyCite indexed journals are listed separately in C1(c) section: A total number of publications in MyCite indexed journals.

What type of book qualifies as a Research Book under the C1(d) section?

A research book is a book that is scientifically written based on facts and research results, and it is critically analyzed through rational arguments and methods. The published research book must be adhered to book standards, be refereed and be edited. Books published under a publisher registered with MAPIM can be accounted for. A list of publishers registered with MAPIM can be downloaded at shorturl.at/DHMS0


What types of publications can be counted in the C1(f) section: Other Publication?

Types of publications that can be counted under section C1(f) include publications in non-indexed journals, articles in magazines, newspapers, original works, publications from the conference, digital or print media and others.

What are the implications of carrying out research (involving humans) without first obtaining research ethics approval?

  1. UiTM will not be liable for any ethical issues arising from the research.
  2. Difficulties in publishing a research article in a high-impact journal (where the journal's policy requires evidence/research ethics approval code).



What types of gifts and donations can be counted in MyRA?

Gifts and donations for research purposes can be counted in MyRA under the F6 section. The total value of the gift or donations from external parties to the University must be worth a minimum and not a cumulative RM3,000.00 in the year. Gifts and donations include money, equipment, research materials, travel per diem, stipend and Infrastructure facilities and services.



Which MyRA section counts for Professional membership data?

Professional membership is counted in G(3): International Membership and G(5): National Membership. To ensure the membership is counted yearly, researchers must renew their membership or apply for a lifetime membership. Evidence of membership card or receipt of renewal payments must be provided.

What is the difference between Professional qualifications in the B2(b) section and Professional membership?

Professional qualifications must be governed by an act and a council that oversees professional practice. Academic staff with qualifications as legal practitioners under the Malaysian Parliament Act can be counted in section B2(b). However, Sr. for Building Surveyor is not considered as it is not under the Malaysian Parliament Act. Examples for Section B2(b) include Ir., Ar., FRCP, Sr., Ts., C.Eng, ACCA, MICPA, ICAS, ICAEW, ICAI, NZICA, CICA, CIMA, MMed etc. A professional body registration number must be provided.

Contact Us

Research Management Centre (RMC)
Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
Aras 3, Bangunan Wawasan
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Email : rmcuitm@uitm.edu.my
Tel: +603-5544 2793  / 8277 / 2879