What is GRA/RA/SKTP?
- GRA is the appointment of full-time Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy student-level research assistants, and the mode of study is research.
- RA is a non-student appointment.
- SKTP is an appointment for undergraduate and postgraduate students (Mixed Mode and Course Work full-time or part-time)
How do I find vacancies for the post of GRA/RA/SKTP?
Can non-citizens be appointed as GRA/RA/SKTP?
What is the Allowance Payment Rate for GRA/RA/SKTP?
What are the expense codes involved for GRA/RA/SKTP payments?
Is late registration allowed, and has the candidate already worked before the application?
How long is the allowed period for each appointment made?
Can candidates apply for more than one (1) grant appointment?
How to apply as GRA/RA/SKTP?
Can appointments be terminated earlier than the originally approved period?
- Unsatisfactory work results
- Health problems
- Conflict between the head of project and GRA/RA
- GRA/RA has been offered other job
- GRA is not keen to continue the study (or terminated)
Is the allowance fixed or variable?
How can I get more information and guidelines on GRA/RA/SKTP?
Who is in charge of processing the applications for the appointment of GRA/RA/SKTP?
- Nur Nai'mah Azlan - 03-5544 2861 (nurnaimah@uitm.edu.my)
- Wazerul Amin Mohd Rahim - 03-5544 2731 (wazerul@uitm.edu.my)
What should I do if I want to attend a conference abroad using a research grant fund?
What should I do if I want to attend courses/seminars/meetings/training/etc abroad?
When is the deadline to fill out the application in the eInternational system?
How do I claim payments made for conference/journal fees?
How does the applicant know the status of the application?
Can we travel overseas for research/conferences with only approval from RMC?
How do I apply for advance payment of conference/journal fees?
When is the deadline to apply for the conference/journal fees advance payment form to RMC?
What if the applicant wants to apply for an advance payment of the conference fee after the conference?
How do I claim the payment for conference/journal fees that have been paid in advance?
What if the conference/journal fee payment and domestic/abroad travel claim are insufficient?
Who should I contact for more information regarding the conference/ journal fee payment?
You may contact the Officer at Research Operation Unit as listed below:
- Zatul Iffah : 03-5543 7864 (zatuliffah@uitm.edu.my)
What is the Post Doctoral?
What is the Dynamic Research Grant?
When does the application for a Postdoctoral position open?
What are the eligibility requirements for Postdoctoral applicants?
How do I apply for Postdoctoral position?
What is the application method for Post Doctoral reappointment?
Applications for re-appointment must be sent to the RMC Postdoctoral Secretariat, TNCPI Office, at least six (6) months before the end of the appointment period by submitting relevant documents that can be referred to in the Dynamic Grant Guidelines.
However, approval for Post Doctoral reappointment is given by the TNCPI Office, subject to the provisions, achievement of performance indicators and the conditions that have been set.
Can a Postdoctoral candidate be terminated at any time?
What if a Postdoctoral candidate wants to resign for specific reasons?
Are Postdoctoral candidates eligible for any medical benefits?
Does the Postdoctoral have to leave benefits?
Can Postdoctoral Candidates attend or follow seminars/conferences/courses organized locally/abroad?
What can other claims Postdoctoral Candidates submit?
After receiving the approval of the Postdoctoral appointment, what should the PTJ do?
How is the monthly salary payment for a Postdoctoral candidate made?
Who needs to manage VISA matters for Postdoctoral Candidates from abroad?
Where can I find detailed information on the Dynamic Grant Guidelines?
All other detailed information regarding the Post Doctorate can be found on the RMC UiTM website https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/directory/research-grant-guideline.
Who should I contact for more information regarding the Postdoctoral?
You may contact the Officer at Research Operation Unit as listed below:
- Zatul Iffah : 03-5543 7864 (zatuliffah@uitm.edu.my)
How can purchases below RM5,000.00 be made?
What is the purchase value limit through:
- Procurement of materials and services from any supplier for each research activity valued below RM3,000 for each receipt, each transaction (online), and each type of item. The purchase of assets is not allowed through this method.
- Procurement of supplies/services where the price rate has been set in general (published rate) by vendors such as local newspapers, seminar/course/conference/publication participation fees, and similar worth up to RM5,000.
**Reference : Pekeliling Bendahari Bil. 4 Tahun 2017 : Garis Panduan Pendahuluan Pelbagai. Pelarasan dan Tuntutan Perbelanjaan Pelbagai Yang Telah Didahulukan
What is the duration allowed for the submission of miscellaneous expense claim applications?
Is the purchase of inventory and ICT equipment allowed through this method?
What documents need to be prepared?
Claim application must include the following:
- Miscellaneous expense claim application form (https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/download/proses-penyelidikan)
- The original receipt and proof of transaction payment using a debit/credit card verified by the Project Leader must be verified by the Head of PTJ/Head of Department/ TDPJI/ TRPJI.
- If a Project Member or research assistant makes the application, the Project Leader must verify the original receipt of the claim.
What if an advance was obtained; however, the refund claim does not comply with the conditions and the limit value of miscellaneous claims?
What does Direct Purchase mean?
What is the minimum number of quotations required for Direct Purchase procurement?
- Procurement of supplies requires one (1) quotation for a value up to RM10,000 and two (2) quotations for more than RM10,000 up to RM50,000. If there is only one (1) quotation, a declaration letter as the sole supplier must be included.
- Procurement of services requires one (1) quotation required for a value up to RM20,000 and two (2) quotations exceeding RM20,000 up to RM50,000. If there is only one (1) quotation, a declaration letter as the sole supplier must be included.
What is the time frame for purchase requests through Local Order (LO)?
What if the Local Order (LO) issued needs to be cancelled?
What documents are required for using Company Direct Payment?
Company Direct Payment application must include the following:
- Company Direct Payment Application Form
- Invoice
- Delivery Note (Delivery Order)
- Appendix A (Price Reasonability Form)
- Goods Receipt Form (GRN)
- Company Performance Evaluation Form
- Justification Form/ Explanation Letter Non-compliance with procurement rules not using Local Order (LO)
What if the researcher applies for procurement of supplies/services exceeding RM50,000?
What is the process involved for the purchase of more than RM50,000?
Can researchers apply for advance money for research-related activities/programs or expenses?
What is the maximum value of Advance for Miscellaneous?
What is the process after receiving Advance for Miscellaneous payments?
What is the timeline for the Adjustments of Advance for Miscellaneous?
What documents are required for Adjustments of Advance for Miscellaneous?
Applicants must prepare adjustments of advance for Miscellaneous application according to the checklist that can be downloaded from the RMC website (https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/download/proses-penyelidikan)
How can I make an Overseas Travel Advance?
The Advance for Overseas Travel can be made after obtaining approval to conduct any research activities overseas from RMC and the Office of Vice-Chancellor (VC).
** Documents must be prepared according to the checklist that can be downloaded from the RMC website (https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/download/proses-penyelidikan)
What is the timeline for the overseas travel advance application?
How can travel adjustments/claims be made?
What are the rates and conditions for food allowance claims, daily allowances, hotel rental payments, and other facilities for oversea travel?
How can I make an advance request for domestic travel?
You can find travel advance applications on the RMC's website (https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/download/proses-penyelidikan). The application must be sent to RMC 14 days before the travel date.
How can travel adjustments/claims be made?
What are the rates and conditions for food allowance claims, daily allowances, hotel rental payments, and other facilities for domestic travel?
What is the distance and mileage rate for each domestic travel claim (cent/KM)?
- Car: 85 cents for the first 500 km, 75 cents for 501 km and beyond
- Motorcycle: 55 cents for the first 500 km, 45 cents for 501 km and beyond
**Reference : Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Malaysia WP1.4
Can students make travel claims within the country?
What is the payment rate for the official travel allowance/meal allowance/lodging allowance/daily allowance of GRA/RA?
Is travelling by air allowed for research purposes?
What if there is a surplus in the Advance payment received?
Can I organize research-related programs/workshops outside of UiTM premises?
How does the grant funder (company/ industry) channel the research grant allocation to UiTM?
Can other students besides the appointed RA/GRA be paid for conducting research?
What is the student payment rate, and how long is the appointment allowed?
What is the payment process for professional services and part-time speakers/facilitators?
- Researchers need to make an official appointment with a clear scope of duties and the expert fees charged, which should be stated in the approved grant proposal.
- Researchers need to obtain the approval of the Head of PTJ in the case of professional services appointed among UiTM staff. Nominees must not be directly involved as a researcher in the project and have no family ties that could affect the integrity and ethics of the research team.
- Payment to the speakers and facilitators for part-time or external services according to their academic qualifications must refer to Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil 2.Tahun 2005, Bil 19. Tahun 2002. The payment rate depends on the Bursary Circular and university regulations and refers to Grant Guidelines.
What forms need to be filled and the honorarium payment under which vote?
What are the requirements for a financial claim application?
The requirements must include the following:
- The project status is still active;
- The remaining allocation is still sufficient;
- Items requested are listed in the proposal;
- Complete application documents
Is it allowed to send financial claim documents after the grant ends, although the spending was made during the active grant period?
What if there is insufficient balance in the grant allocation for the miscellaneous or travel claims?
Why was my financial claim application document rejected or returned?
The financial claim application document may be rejected or returned due to the following;
- There is no PTJ level verification in spaces that require PTJ verification;
- No proof of payment for the receipt;
- The project status has expired;
- Not complying with the rules and guidelines of the grant funder; or
- Insufficient balance
Are students allowed to fill out the Goods Receipt Form (GRN)?
Who should I contact for more information regarding the procurement process and financial claims?
You may contact the Officer at Research Operation Unit as listed below:
Mrs. Nurshuhada Mohder - 03 5544 2793 (shuhadamohder@uitm.edu.my) - INTERNAL GRANT
Mr. Mohammad Syafiq Shamshul - 03-5544 3251 (msyafiqshamshul@uitm.edu.my) - EXTERNAL GRANT, MOSTI, ETC.
Mrs. Raja Nurul Azliana Raja Amir Shah - 03-5544 2746 (nurul099@uitm.edu.my) - MATCHING GRANT, SRP, PPRN, ETC.
Mrs. Amalia Yasmin Mohd Rafi - 03-5544 2877 (amalia0994@uitm.edu.my
For contact information, please visit :
https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/corporate/staff-directory on the RMC's website.
Where can I get the relevant forms?
Researchers can get the forms on the RMC website, which is https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/download/proses-penyelidikan.
What can be done if the remaining balance in the votes is insufficient?
How can an application for vote transfer be made?
Does vote transfer have a specific amount limit?
How many times is the maximum limit for vote transfer applications?
How long does it take to approve a vote transfer application?