What are the main functions of the Grant Acquisition Unit?

The Research Grant Acquisition Unit is responsible for identifying and disseminating funding opportunities from international and private sources. Also, it provides administrative and technical support to grant applicants regarding their applications wherever needed, as well as Post Doctoral applications.

What documents are required for research grant applications?

Please refer to the sponsor's guidelines to determine the forms and other supporting documents that the sponsor requires, including, but not limited to:
  1. The curriculum vitae of all research members of the project.
  2. Appointment letter (if required)
  3. RMC’s supporting letter (if required by the sponsor)

Who should you contact regarding any grant applications or grant acquisitions?

Head of Grant Acquisition Unit (UPG), Coordinator of Grant Acquisition Unit (UPG), or any of UPG's secretariats. For contact information, please visit

https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php/corporate/staff-directory on the RMC's website. 


What are the available research grants that are open for applications?

The opening call for research grant applications or call for proposals can be obtained through the RMC website https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php or via email to all UiTM researchers.

Why does UiTM charge 5% service fees on research projects?

The University's service fee is one of its initiatives to contribute to the Research Development Fund, and it is determined as follows:
  1. Manpower/staff costs
  2. Equipment usage cost
  3. Materials cost
  4. Space and utility cost

What are the requirements for applying for a research grant?

All requirements are subject to the conditions set by sponsors.

What are the conditions imposed on UiTM researchers for research grants?

All related conditions are subject to the grant's guidelines and the funder's terms and conditions. Every research activity not included in the approved research proposal must obtain written approval from the funder.

How can researchers know that the research project has been successfully registered in the system?

Researchers will be notified via email when the research project is successfully registered, and research project status checking can be made through IRMIs at https://orchid.uitm.edu.my/irmis/.

What are the available research grants that can be applied for?

RMC will occasionally update the website for the available new research grant opening at https://rmc.uitm.edu.my/index.php. However, researchers are also advised to obtain any available research grant opportunities from other sources.

Can the project leader apply for a new external grant while holding an ongoing one?

Yes. There is no limit for grant registration for one lead researcher.

Is it important for the lead researcher to know the grant registration number?

Yes. It is important to help researchers to make a claim and review the grant status in the system.

Contact Us

Research Management Centre (RMC)
Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
Aras 3, Bangunan Wawasan
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Email : rmcuitm@uitm.edu.my
Tel: +603-5544 2793  / 8277 / 2879