When can I send the project progress report form?

Reports can be sent every six months throughout the project and sent through the IRMIS system.

How do I access the IRMIS system to send a progress report?

  1. Log in using the employee number username & password abcd1234 (for the first login).
  2. Select the menu Registered Research > Application of Progress Report
  3. After completing the form template, the researcher can press the submit button

Can I send a progress report with the same percentage of progress?

No. The report submission cycle should be every six months; the increase in the percentage of project completion shows good progress.

Can I put a percentage of 100% in the delivery of the progress report?

No. Projects with a percentage of 100% progress show the total research completion and must submit the final report.

What should I do if I have publications and conference papers to submit as proof of research output?

Researchers can send the attached document and the progress report form through the IRMIS system in the Research Output section.

How long does it take for RMC to process the progress report form that has been sent?

RMC will review the submitted progress report form within 3 - 5 days after the RMC receives the report.

When can I send the final project report form?

The final report to be sent must reach at least 85% for internal grants and 90% for KPT grants. Reports can be sent after the project is completed or no later than three months after the end date. Reports can be sent through the IRMIS system.

How do I access the IRMIS system to send the final report?

  1. Login using username, employee number & password.
  2. Select the menu Registered Research > Application of Final Report.
  3. After completing the form template, the researcher can press the submit button.

Can I send the final report if my project is completed earlier than the given period?

Yes. Please make sure all claims and payments are completed before closing the grant. The Research Monitoring Unit will contact the researcher first for verification purposes before processing the report if it is found that the delivery was made too early from the end date.

Can I send a progress report in IRMIS if the project has reached the end date?

No. The progress report submission link is only active during the project's running date. If the researcher wishes to submit a progress report form for project extension purposes, the report can be filled out manually at the download link on the RMC website.

Should I send the full project report and CD copy to RMC to close the project?

No. Researchers only need to send the final report by filling in the template provided in the IRMIS system.

Contact Us

Research Management Centre (RMC)
Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
Aras 3, Bangunan Wawasan
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Email : rmcuitm@uitm.edu.my
Tel: +603-5544 2793  / 8277 / 2879